[ For a limited time ]

Get a Corporate Website
For SGD $960 SGD 720.

We create your business website with home-page, about-page, services-page and contact-page.

The Offer is not available at the moment. Please use the BOOKING FORM below to request.

The service is offered by
INVOSSET (UEN: 53399343A.)

in partnership with
NETECHNICS (S) PTE. LTD. (UEN: 199705304W.)

Some of our Work

These are some of the websites we have created that fits to the package we are offering. This should help you decide if this offer suites your requirements in terms of features and design.

We encourage you to have a look at these sites before making a booking .

The Process

We have laid out a standard procedure that we think will help you to make the best out of this offer.


Discuss on your Requirements.
Duration – (1 Day)

You will share with us, information similar to the following:

  • What the business does?
  • Who are the target audiences?
  • What are the prefered colors, if any?
  • Who are the main competitors?
  • Is there any specific features expected from the website?
  • etc.


Finalize on the Requirments
Duration – (1 Day)

We will document, your requirments as we understood those requirements and request for your confirmiration.


Content gathering
Duration – (1 Week)

You will prepare all neccesory content required for the site. Including written text, media files such as images, videos, downloadable materials like pdf files.

Content need to be organized such that it is easy to identify which content belongs to which section of the site. Guidance will be provided, upon your request.


Website Development.
Duration – (10 Days)

We will create the sections of the site (i.e.home/ front page, about the company, availabel services, and contact) based on the finalised requirements and the content and materials provided by you.


First Review.
Duration – (2 Days)

A temporary link will be provided to access the developed website. You will review the website and request for any adjustments to be made to the site. i.e. in terms of the design, organization of the content, functionality etc.


Duration – (2 Days)

We will make all the neccesory adjustment based on your review. Howerver, If any of the changes require a re-design/ re-development of the site that might take more than 2 working day to complete will not be implemented.


Final review.
Duration – (2 Days)

You will decide if we have met to your satisfactory based on your requirements. In terms of design, functionality & performance.


Duration – (2 Days)

You will settle full payment for the website according to this offer.

Payments could be made via direct bank transfer or using a credit card via online payment service (i.e. Stripe).


Website go Live!
Duration – (1 Day)

We will upload the completed site to the hosting service of your choice.

We will make sure that the site functions as it suppose to. if there are issues with the site due to the hosting enviornment, We will request you to find another hosting provider.

– WITH –

Website Maintenance Service for SGD $30 / month.

It is crucial to keep your company website updated with frequent and regular security and feature updates as they become available. We strongly encourage you to spend this small amount to keep your online presence clean and healthy.


Update WordPress core software

for website security as updates become available.

Update plugins

for website security as they became available from the provider of the plugin.

Update themes

for website security and performance as they become available from the supplier of the theme in use.

Regular and thorough backups of the site

so that it may be fully restored in case of loss of data or installed software..

Make sure that your site does nto break

Backup the website regularly as updates are implemented on the site.

Initial on site SEO

Search Engine Optimization, for the content available at the launch of the site.

Provide consultation and advice

on using the website if and when you need any..

Not Included


Site will be hosted on Client’s own choice of hosting provider.

DNS management

For managing the domain name.

Content updating/ editing

You will be updating the content on the site. If an issue arise or if the site breaks, we will restore the site from the latest backups.

Development work

Changes to design and functionality of the site.

Advertising/ Promoting

Advertising/ Promoting the site with various digital marketing options. ( eg: Email Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing).

Continuous SEO.

Continuous search engine optimization for ranking your website on search engines like Google.
– F.A.Q. –

Frequently asked about this offer

Who is eligible for this offer?
  • Only for businesses registered in Singapore.
  • If your business requires a simple website to keep your business presence online, this is a great opportunity. Even if you already have a website, but is outdated with respect to its content or design, we think you should make use of this offer.
  • This offer is not suitable for those businesses that require complex features built to the site. Please have a look at some of the sites we have created that fits to this offer. We hope that will give you a better understanding of what you should expect to achieve from this offer.
Is my booking confirmed once I submit the booking form?
No. It will be subject to your requirements. only be confirmed after we have discussed your expectations. During the discussion, we will let you know,


  • whether we will be able to create the site for you under this offer or not.
  • our recommendations for your website based on our experience.
Do I need to pay upfront or put a depost?
No. We will not ask for any payments until the site is completed. However you will be required to make the payment once the site is ready to be uploaded to the hosting enviornment of your choice.
What's the catch?
None. We are just providing a valuable service, during these hard times. There are no hidden fees/ charges.


  • You pay only when the website is ready to your satisfaction.
  • You can terminate the project anytime during the development of the site.
  • If the project takes longer than 2 weeks for any reason, including delay in providing the content for the site, the project will be automatically terminated.
How long will you take to complete the site?
Under this offer we only take projects we think , can be completed within a maximum duration of 2 weeks or 12 working days.

We wil not proceed with a project under this offer if we think it might take more than 2 weeks to complete.

Can I take the offer without the monthly maintenance service?
Absolutely, yes. However, we strongly encourage you to spend this small amount to keep your online presence clean and healthy.

It will cost you much more to fix or to re-develop the site if/ when your site breaks or is hacked due to security issues.

Can I take, ONLY the Site Maintenance Service?
No. Site maintenance service at the indicated low price is only available for those who take the offer for creating their corporate website.

Get this offer for your business.

Nothing to loose!

Pay only when your business website is ready. This is a temporary offer to only 50 websites. Feel free to book this offer by filling up the form below.

Offer booking form.

Review and agree to INVOSSET Privacy Policy before submitting the form.

14 + 9 =

The Offer is not available at the moment. Please use the BOOKING FORM above to request.

This landing page is created and marketed by INVOSSET via Page @iLuvSG.com.

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